In an earlier post, The Secret Starfleet, I went into detail about my experience on this production and what it started revealing about others around me. Now, we’re just a few days from opening night. At our Tuesday rehearsal last week, I laughed so hard that my abs hurt afterwards. I’ve seen Kirk fighting a leprechaun, been a native on the planet of the LOLcats, possessed by a fertility goddess. Each night, we’ll get several suggestions: a planet name, an object of worship, and perhaps a third suggestion – and using those concepts we’ll weave an original story.

We’re now in “tech week”, which is theatre-speak for the week leading up to opening night. I’m going to be a little Trek-obsessed this week until the smoke clears on our opening weekend. Yesterday was the first time we all performed in costume (see a little preview below) and with stage lighting. Today is full makeup & sound, and Wednesday we add crazy 60’s hair to the mix for the ladies.

And, adorably, my stage manager presented me yesterday with my very own first aid kit. Repeat readers will remember that one month ago today I had arthroscopic knee surgery. My kit has ace bandages and tape and other sorts of accoutrements. Ha! I’m happy to report that I’ve recovered enough to handle the 3-inch platform boots reasonably well. I don’t need to be bionic to be awesome. 🙂

I can highly recommend the show, if you’re in the Seattle area – we open this Thursday, June 23 and run through July 2nd, Thurs/Fri/Sat at 8PM. Click here for address & ticket sales!

Snapshot of the “Where No Man” cast on our first dress/tech rehearsal.

We’ll post updates to our Facebook page, – even if you can’t come to this run, you should “like” us so you’ll be the first to know if we mount future performances!