The print and digital copies of Design Beyond Devices - both feature a graphic design with blue background and blocky print depicting a figure ascending a staircase of technology inspired by the Star Trek LCARS interface.

Now available: Design Beyond Devices

Available now from Rosenfeld Media and all major online booksellers from author and renowned user experience designer Cheryl Platz: Design Beyond Devices: Creating Multimodal, Cross-Device Experiences. This groundbreaking book provides designers, product managers, entrepreneurs, and engineers an end-to-end manual for envisioning and executing on experiences that break beyond the boundaries of any single device, app, input, or output. Design Beyond Devices launched as a bestseller in multiple Amazon categories in the midst of difficult pandemic conditions, and continues to gain a growing readership of active practitioners.

Your customer has five senses and a small universe of devices. Why aren’t you designing for all of them? Go beyond screens, keyboards, and touchscreens by letting your customer’s humanity drive the experience, not a specific device or input type. Learn the techniques you’ll need to build fluid, adaptive experiences for multiple inputs, multiple outputs, and multiple devices.” 

Reader feedback

“When I was reading your book this past year I felt so inspired by the respect for users and their time that you pushed for, and the models like the interruption matrix made SO much sense that I thought “yeah of course we should all be thinking like this!”

“This book was basically a thesis on interacting with multi modal devices. I’ve been designing and remediating websites for screen readers in mind and it’s been really informative to read about all the other ways to interact with digital content and how to support that in a design. A must read for anyone designing digital products for the next decade.”

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free podcasts, talks, downloads, and more

Want podcasts, worksheets, related talks, workshops, and more information?

See the Design Beyond Devices book page on Cheryl’s company website (


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Sample chapters

Get a better sense of what’s in the book with these complete previews of 2 critical chapters from the book: 

The Spectrum of Multimodality (Chapter 7)

Lost in Transition (Chapter 9)

Reference images

For Creative Commons by-citation licensed versions of the images from the book for reference use, see the book’s Flickr album.